A principio eram pra ser um grupo comico, de escracho aos super-heróis tradicionais. Mas foram ganhando personalidade e acabou gerando um universo bem maior com vários personagens.
The executáveis (Execute) them. Super-group led by Mangueirense-Paladino (of green). Next Of the Cabra-da-Peste, Menino-Tarefa (Boy-task), and Kung-Furia (so that I created the name he was Kung-Fucker, but it was very aggressive without necessity). This is the first formation of the group. what was working separated.
To beginning they were in order that a group was a comedian, of I tell off to the traditional super-heroes. But they were gaining personality and it finished producing a much bigger universe with several characters.
A Liga da Justiça que se cuide...